
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Because It Didn't Go How You Had It All Planned Out In Your Head

You had it all charted. Maybe even had a picture of the dream you were going to achieve taped to the fridge? It was your 5 year plan. So what happened? You look around and realize that it is now year six. You are no nearer to your dream then you were when you started.

OR, maybe you think that you have reached your goal. You are sitting pretty on the 100th floor in your beautiful corner office. You have everything you worked so hard for...and more. So, why aren't you satisfied? Why is there a feeling of incompleteness somehow?

There is this thing. God gave you a set of specific gifts, talents, and purpose.

Proverbs 16:9 We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

When we stray from what He has called us to do...we just can't be happy. We may try...but truly, deep down...we know we have missed it somehow. So, what now?

It's as simple as pray and ask Him to let you know what it is. To give you wisdom and to show you "What next?" Seek God. Ask Him. Let Him lead you.

So, if you find yourself not happy today, discontented, or just plain out lost....this message was written for you. Go ahead. Ask. He will  hear you, and He has been waiting for you. He will listen. He WANTS to help.

He is the ONE Person you can count on without fear of disappointment. Trust Him. Now, take a deep breath.......and believe not in what you can do...but what He can do through you, in you, and for you. Hold on because it’s going to be a glorious ride. This is just the beginning of a beautiful thing.