
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Perfect Person? NO such thing. Frustrating day? Read this.......

Want in on a little secret? That person that you see on Facebook with the perfect life, the perfect marriage, the perfect kids and even the perfect pets....they are not perfect. They more than likely have a pile of laundry on their table that has yet to be folded, one in the washer that is now officially the cleanest load in the world because it has been washed about five times (due to the fact that it keeps getting forgotten about in the business of the day), and those perfect pets have chewed the table legs, made the back door look like scrap firewood, and created that permanent stain on the entry way rug. 

One of those perfect kids deals with depression, the other one battle with making right choices. The perfect marriage just suffered a huge fight where of coarse, no one wins, and as far as the perfect life? Well, I think we basically just set the record straight on that one. 
People tend to idolize the Apostle Paul too. But they forget, before he became Paul...he was Saul. He stood by as Stephen was stoned to death. He arrested and persecuted Christians for their faith, relentlessly.

After he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and as his savior...he still didnt just suddenly become perfect. In the book of Romans chapter 7 you can read how he struggles with doing right. He wants to...but he doesnt always make the best choices in life. Thats why Romans 8 is one of my personal favorites in the Bible...simply summed up? Jesus, our Savior.

Now dont get me wrong, Paul did amazing things. Wrote ALOT of the New Testament. Served Jesus well. Represented Him well. He also, STILL had struggles, things that happened to him that were NOT fun. You can read about some of those trials in 2 Corinthians 11:16 -30.

Just because you are a Christian doesnt mean your life will just "poof" be perfect, free of trials and tribulations. Infact, Jesus warned us we WOULD have trials and tribulations. But dont forget the ending of that..."But be of good cheer for I have overcome the world". We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, understands our daily struggles, and sympathizes with us. Did you know He is your advocate? He is rooting for you today. He is on your side.
So do what you have to do today, one thing at a time. He is with you. And hold your head up, you are in good company. You are SO not alone.