The answer is yes. Let me explain..........
Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
1Jn 5:14,15 And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.
God hears our every prayer. He has heard yours too. Even if you haven't seen a change YET, He has heard you. Let me tell you a true incident that happened in my life.
One Thanksgiving we got loaded up in the car to drive a few hours away to my sisters house in Arkansas.
We stopped off at a local gas station to fill up and my husband checked the oil to make sure it was topped off. As he was doing that, I said a quick prayer for protection and provision during our trip.
The drive was wonderful as we just chatted about various things. (Except for the kids in the back starting the whole "he's touching me" thing.)
We are about an hour away and in a small town at a red light. I notice a lot of smoking coming from a car. Then I realize, its OUR CAR! He had forgotten to put the oil cap back on when he checked the oil. Without the oil cap, the engine had been spewing oil all over everywhere for the last two hours.
So we went to a gas station that was open. Everything else was closed because it was Thanksgiving Day. We HAD to find an oil cap. They didn't have one, but they said a man lived at the edge of town that had a junk yard. We should try there.
We went and knocked and there was no answer. Right about that time, I notice in my side mirror that a man has just entered the body shop across the street. I had my husband go talk to him to see if he knows of anyone that might have an oil cap.
He returns with a HUGE smile and proceeds to relay this story.
"The guy told me that he doesn't carry oil caps, however, about a month back he was driving down the highway and he saw something on the side of the road that caught his eye. He said that for some reason, he wanted to stop and pick it up. It was an oil cap.
He put it in his glove box because he thought he might need it one day.
He wants us to pull the car over there so he can try it."
So, across the street we went. Popped the hood....then I heard a click, click, click as the oil cap locked into place. It was a perfect fit! We were saved!
So, we ended up making it to my sisters safely and had a great time.
My point is......God KNEW Id need that oil cap on that day. He had that man pick it up for me a whole MONTH before I needed it.

In the same way, He sees your situation. He is working behind the scenes to work it all together for your good. For a better solution. It is in His timing however, not ours.
Just like you love your children, He loves you. Sometimes our children don't agree with our decisions for their lives, even when they beg, beg, beg for something different. In the same way, God wants the best for you and for your life. He does hear you, He does answer, and He will come through for you.
Even though you cant "see" the results yet, He is working behind the scenes for you even as you read this. Be encouraged, it wasn't a mistake that you came upon this blog today.
He wants you to know He loves you, and He did hear you.