So......... most of you reading this will shake your head "yes" in affirmation if I were to ask you: "Do you like to be praised for a job well done?" And why not? It feels good. Its a rush of adrenaline, and it puts a great big whopping smile on your face, right?
Problem is, in this world, most people won't care enough to take the two seconds it would take to say "good job", "well done", or even the words "thank you".
So, then what? Should you be mad because they are so ungrateful, or because they didn't notice how hard you worked? Should you do less next time, or just do a really poor job since they don't seem to care anyway?
I don't think so. I have found that if I keep my heart right, the rest falls into place. Kind of like this.....
Make sure that the things you are doing are for the RIGHT reasons. Whether that be in every day life, at work, church, or even in your own home.
For example, if you notice your neighbor needs their grass mowed and mow it (because its 2 foot high and looks like a snake infested jungle), be sure that you are mowing it because you want to help a neighbor out and NOT because they are loaded and you are hoping they will give you a crisp 100.00 dollar bill.
Now, if they offer it to you, great. If they say thank you, great. But if they don't, just feel good that you did the right thing. Be OKAY with that.
If that reason is not good enough, there is another reason to do good and what is right just because it is the right thing to do.
Have you ever heard of the saying "what goes around comes around"? Well, its true. If you are constantly saying negative things to others, constantly doing negative things to others, and basically living your life in the "negative realm", you are going to inevitably attract negativity back to yourself. No one likes that or really wants that.
But on the flip side of that, if we are always doing the best we can, giving the best we can, and looking for the best in others, we will inevitably attract positive things back to us. Like a positively charged, bright light-bulb, brightening up every room its in. Everyone likes that.
Be a light, it pushes away the darkness.