You are like a boat because of two things.......First there is the part that everyone can see. Shiny, polished, clean, and fabulous looking.
Then there is the second part. The part hardly anyone ever see's. That is the part under the water. Dirty, with all sorts of crud attached to it that it has acquired over the years.

Most people think..."Well, out of sight...out of mind. No one can see it, so who cares?" Do you agree? I don't.
Problem is this....what you do in the dark, in secret will eventually work its way to the outside. No matter how hard you try to hide it...it will become visible to those around you. Especially those closest to you.
You see, if you let a boats hull get corroded, its foundation will become weak and crack and get holes in it. What happens to a holey boat? It sinks, never to be seen or heard from again. If it has passengers, it takes them down along with it.
We need to always be aware of our "heart condition". It is important. It is your foundation, the base of who you are. If your heart is pure, it shows in your actions. It shows from the inside out. If your heart is evil...well, that becomes apparent as well.
Be a ship that is beautiful and admirable...not only on what can be seen on the outside, but also in whats underneath.
Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.