Wouldn't THAT be nice? You cannot even fathom how much I would like to have a "do over" card. One that I could submit after a horrible mistake or goof up, and get my life re-winded so that I can do that part of it over again.
Those cards are located in the same place as "money that grows on trees", and "the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow"........they don't exist.
So, what do we do. Where do we go from here? If we can't rewind....are we doomed to wander around aimlessly in life? Like a blind man trying to stay on the crooked steep mountain path. Constantly and unknowingly, precariously close to the edge of disaster at all times?

Thankfully we have a forgiving and understanding Father who is full of mercy and grace and is willing to be our ever present help in times of need. Thankfully He hears our prayers, our pleas for forgiveness, and comes to our rescue.
Thankfully, He understands our weakness, our frailty, and has compassion on us. Because of this, He causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him.
Today, I am SO grateful of that fact.