So, I don't need to tell you that "life can be hard", I think you have experienced that for yourselves already.
What you might not know is that there is hope.
For some of us, we wake up in the morning with a smile on our face and peace in our hearts. For others, we wake up and want to pull the covers back over our heads and remain in bed forever. Or, maybe we do get up and start off right, but the day seems to beat us down like the heavy rain and hail does to a garden of spring flowers.
No matter. There is still hope.
Thankfully, this life is temporary. If we look at it like that....its puts everything into a better perspective. Our eternity is spent somewhere else. To us, you see, this life is but a "hiccup" in the scheme of things really. The challenge is making it to our eternity and making it to the RIGHT eternity.
Most know that Heaven is real. But one of the most life changing moments for me was next to my Fathers death bed. It was just him and me. My other two sisters had not made it there yet. The nurse had told me that he was only being "sustained" that he had lost all ability to think or regain conscientiousness. I told her that I would not leave. She assured me it would be okay to go home because he would not ever wake up again.
A few hours later, despite what she told me, my dad sat up and reached to the other side of the bed smiling and eyes wide open. He was reaching for someone. I didn't see them, but he did. I was shocked! I shook him and said "Dad, Dad". He turned and looked at me and then said "Well hi Princess. I love you." I told him that I loved him too and he laid back down and went back to "sleep".
I told the nurse what had happened when she came back in. She looked at me like I was out of my mind. It made me wonder for a second if I was "losing it". But no, an hour or so later he did the SAME THING again............. one more time.
You see, he saw something or someone that made him so happy that in the midst of the pain of the cancer, the inability to breathe, and being stuck in that hospital bed.....he smiled. He reached for them. It was a good thing. I think he saw Heaven, or an angel, or Jesus Himself.
When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savoir, the Bible says that we ARE SAVED. That we are forgiven of all of our sins, redeemed, and that we WILL go to Heaven when we die, and go from this temporary life to our eternity.
Now Heaven is a great place. No pain, no hunger, no sadness, no worries, JUST PEACE. I don't know about you...but I am looking forward to that.
Our job is just to take as many with us as we can while on this earth. Now God helps, heals, defends, and rescues while we are here. He wont leave us. But that doesn't mean we wont have days where we want to just pull the covers over our heads just a little further. After all, we are not to Heaven yet.
Just remember...."hiccup". Just for a time.......THEN eternity of peace in Heaven. We can do this. Just never give up.
If this has blessed you, please pass it on. If you ever need or want to talk, just email me.