There is One who is in your corner. He has always been there actually. Even when family and friends fail you, He wont. Even when all hope seems lost, He has it in spades to share with you. He will always create a way of escape for you. So instead of feeling "trapped in a corner" today, look for "the open window". There is one.

How do I know? Because I have lived it. I have experienced it. No matter what situation I have found myself in .....nothing has been impossible to Him. Although, I will admit.....there have been times when I have "felt" alone. Completely alone. But just because I "felt" that way, doesn't mean that I was actually alone.
You see, God holds His Word above even His own Name. What does that mean? It means that He is behind His promises. Not one of His promises ever goes unfulfilled. He actually watches over His Word to perform it.
Would He save you? Would He help you? Yes. Did you know that He loves you like He loves His Son, Jesus? Let me show you this prayer that Jesus prayed. Pay special attention to the part where He says that God loves us just like He loves Him.
John 17:23 I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.
So, don't despair today. Someone is in your corner today. In fact THE ONE is in your corner today. And if He is for you....who and what could possibly be against you. Talk to Him...pray....ask....He will hear and He will answer. He, and He alone, is faithful.
Then watch as He opens that window of escape for you.