I think that Christians who come off as a "little strong" can sometimes be labeled as "fruits, nuts, and flakes"....(or as I lovingly call them "cereal people"). They have the right heart I think, but they are seriously misguided to some degree.
Why do I say that?
Well, I think that sometimes, as Christians...if you are not careful you can develop a sense of pride, or "I am somehow better than you" attitude. Sometimes it can be that you feel you are wiser, know more, or "have all the answers this or that person needs". Whether you realize it or not, that is a form of pride.
Pride: a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance,merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
No one likes to hear that. But sometimes we need to. Better to stay humble and right minded than haughty and high minded. Right?
In our attempt to "do good" and "help others", we inevitably make them roll their eyes and turn AWAY from God. We end up being "cereal" people, instead of someone that they want to be like.
In the Bible, Jesus was our example right? He didn't just tell the disciples one phrase or one word to "show them the way". He walked with them, talked with them, ate with them, and lived his day to day life SHOWING them.
We are supposed to be disciples of Christ and MAKING disciples of Christ not just by the words of our testimony...but by our life, our actions......Who we are in every day life.
People can smell a fake from a mile away.
Be true to them. Real. Let them see you for who you REALLY are. But by doing so, you will let them see how God honestly helped you through it and they will see your faith and perseverance. Only then will they possibly believe that "this is for real".
This world is a generation of "show me", "prove it", and "I will believe it when I SEE it" type of crowd. So, lets SHOW them God is real by the way we live day to day. Instead of trying to "one line" them into eternal salvation and be an "instant fix" to their problems. Dont fool yourself, only God can be the "fix" they so desperately need. That takes time, trust, a relationship.
I'm not preaching at you by the way. I have been a spiritual fruit, nut and flake myself in the past. In my excitement and zeal for God and for what He had so miraculously done in MY life, I tried to be peoples shining answer. It doesn't work that way people.
Example, patience, perseverance.